have you ever woken up and walked out of the bed room to catch what seems to be an artscape of sky? i used to see this as a child in montana because out of every window of our house you could see 10,000 foot mountains. when the clouds were sort of wavy, but not extending all the way to the eastern mountains, the pink of dawn would paint the whole underside of the clouds, picking me up above the groggies. this morning, as i usually do, i rolled out of bed about 5 am and wandered into the sunroom where i sit to read and write before the kids wake up. and the room was bathed in the most glorious orange light. i thought, wow, is it like 8am or something? the room faces north west, and into a bunch of trees, so there's no way the light should be shining like that. but it was the same kind of cloud cover as when i was a child. absolutely stunning. little moments of deep gratitude and joy. i recited to myself, may the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in your sight.
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