after two years of our kids walking to and from school on a daily basis and being helped safely across the busy street to the school by troy moore, the crossing guard, last thursday he was not there. by friday the news was out. troy had been arrested for selling crack. it turns out he had two prior convictions and had lied on his application in 2003 in order to get the job. articles portrayed appropriate anger that he had lied and rumors swirled about whether he was dealing while on the job. quickly, condemnations came: bad man does bad thing and deserves what he has coming.
yes. he lied. he sold crack. but my first reaction was, "no!" troy was there for our family every day. in the rain, in the cold and snow, paying close attention, stopping traffic, never missing days. one article (only one, and i linked it above) mentioned he passed his drug tests required by probation. he didn't miss work. he wasn't even late. and when i'd drive by on my bike or in my car, he'd notice and always give a wave. bad man? not the one i know. i feel indebted to him for his protection. bad thing? absolutely. crack produces a culture of violence and death. it is crazy to feel the dissonance of this experience. i don't know his story at all except at nearly my age (37) he is in jail for his third drug conviction. isaiah and grace, our kids, don't really understand but wonder what jail is like. i'm going to visit troy and i promised i'd tell them what jail is like. i have a strange fear of going--fear of facing him and wanting to say, why, troy, when i see such good in you? why throw your life away like this? i don't know what i'll say. perhaps just that i and many parents are sad, and want him to know we are grateful for his protection and attentive care at the corner of west rock and edgewood ave.
anon, and + peace
Hi, friend Chris--
I guess that's it, isn't it? What goes on at west rock and edgewood and every other crossroads of the world is more than we know, for good and for ill.
(But I like the new Daddy pic...)
Posted by: marlyat2 | February 18, 2006 at 08:43 PM