On heavy rotation for me today, U2's beautiful anthem from their last album titled, "Moment of Surrender."
This lyric particularly helps me today.
My body's now a begging bowl
That's begging to get back
Begging to get back to my heart
To the rhythm of my soul
To the rhythm of my unconsciousness
To the rhythm that yearns
To be released from control
Sin is captivity. To acknowledge our brokenness, to open our hands asking, pleading, for the renewal that can release us from that control and again offer us the rhythm of our heart, of freedom, of the love of God.
Here it is:
I believe that one profound common characteristic you share with U2 is an unflinching authenticity of faith. Always a powerful witness; it holds special meaning on this day when we join together on the journey to Jerusalem. Thanks for posting this, Chris. My beggar's heart remembers anew that we are never alone.
"Learn to know Christ and him crucified.
Learn to sing to him, and say,
"Lord Jesus, you are my righteousness,
I am your sin.
You have taken upon yourself what is mine and given me what is yours.
You have become what you were not
so that I might become what I was not."
--Martin Luther
Posted by: Janie Blakely | February 17, 2010 at 02:26 PM